This will be the first in a series of instructional teachings intended to wake up the American people and encourage them to get involved, before it's too late.
The following is an excerpt from a book that you need to know; a book which is very, very much out of print and nearly impossible to find in the United States. It was printed in a limited run in 1952 and recent estimates are that there remain but less than 100 copies worldwide, the rest of which have been removed from libraries.
America the Battlefield
November 25, 2013
By Timothy Pope
The Teachings of the Masters: The Wisdom of the Ages
An exposition of the ever active and constantly operating spiritual laws applicable not only to the regeneration of man changing mortality in to immortality transmuting the son of man in to a son of god but equally potent in helping man to achieve success and economic independence health, strength of body, and the peace of mind, and heart called heaven
Reverend Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer
Director General, Church of Illumination
Supreme Grand Commander of the International Confederation of Initiates
Supreme Grand Commander of the Merged Occult Fraternities comprising The Priesthood of Aeth, The Rosicrution Order, The Secret Societies, The Hermetic Brotherhood, Fraternetas Rosicrucias, Temple of the Rosey Cross, The Order of the Magi, Sons of Isis and Osiris, Illuminati Americani
Published by the Philosophical Publishing Company
Beverly Hall, Quakertown, PA
Copyright 1952, Beverly Hall Corporation
“Early in the year 1916, instructions were received from the Count M. de St Vincent, Supreme Hierarch of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, to make preparations for a sacred Convocation on the 68th Anniversary of the establishment of the Supreme Grand Dome of the Fraternitas and Associate organizations as established in America by Dr. Paschal Beverly Randolph.
At this Convocation, which was to convene on June first, 1916, the Neophyte body was to be informed of a crisis that would be the beginning of the enslavement of the people of America in a manner so insidious that they would not be aware of it. America was to become engaged in a war that would only be the beginning of greater wars.
It was prophesied that an effort would be made to destroy the Christian religion, so secretly and silently, that only the alert and elect would be aware of this activity.
This effort is in full bloom today and is making atheists out of millions, even before their churches are destroyed; the reverse of what has happened, and what is happening, in other countries.
At this Convocation we were instructed to hold daily lectures on subjects vitally important to all. In fact, to all the world, and more especially so to Neophytes of the August Fraternity. These instructions were to be after the manner of Plato and the Round Table of King Arthur.
In addition, we were to prepare for the exemplification of the entire ritual of the Fraternity, Sons of Osiris, up to, and including, the Royal Purple Degree — the ultimate of Ancient Ritualistic Initiation, symbolizing the Neophyte’s travels and efforts, beginning with the first step, and including the final step, which is the second, or spiritual birth.”
As you can see, none of this plan is hidden and anyone can find the information. Anyone, that is, except the people who are too lazy to get up off their butts and look. Those who will, may.
I am a messenger, and the message that I am bringing to you is clear. It is concise, and there can be no mistake in its interpretation. You must wake up now, or be enslaved.
Skipping ahead in the book The Teachings of the Masters: The Wisdom of the Ages:
“Few Americans at the present day have the slightest idea of how fortunate they are and that they are living in the greatest, freest nation that ever existed, despite its many shortcomings. Neither are they aware that America, ‘the land overshadowed with wings,’ is at the crossroads, one leading to freedom, both individual and universal, and the other to the most abject and degrading serfdom, as a result of failing to accept the full responsibility for the management of their personal and Governmental affairs so that these may harmonize with the ancient prophecies.”
This was the Great Experiment of our founders. If we were proven worthy to govern ourselves, then we would never be subject to the rule of tyrants.
In a Letter to David Hartley in 1787, Thomas Jefferson wrote: “I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves without a master.”
Also, in a famous encounter, after signing the Declaration of Independence, a reporter stopped Benjamin Franklin and asked him, “What have ye wrought?”
Franklin answered, “A Republic, if ye can keep it.”
Continuing from the book:
“A still lesser number are aware that the history of America, from its very beginning to the end of its days, whether from good or ill, is told in its Seal; while only the very few know that their own destiny is irrevocably interwoven with the destiny of America; America, the last trying chamber for human Souls, and that when this trial is over, either heaven or hell will reign supreme. Few care because they selfishly think only of themselves; they forget the future welfare of their sons and daughters.”
And, of course, we all see the American parents pat their sons and daughters on the back and send them off to die in another war in a far-off desert in the Middle East — or in any number of other climes and places — all the while claiming that they're going off to fight for our country and our freedom. FOOLS!
“An old saying has it that ‘familiarity breeds contempt.’ As a corollary to this, there should be another maxim: ‘We are blind to that which we see so frequently.’ Most Americans, even though the spirit of America dwells within them, are actually only dimly aware that the great Seal of the first actually free country in the world shows an eagle, a constellation of stars, an olive branch and a set of thirteen arrows. This is the seal we all know. Symbolically, the eagle ‘overshadows’ the land by its protective wings, but only as long as man proves worthy of such overshadowing or protection. Man has the power to destroy the ‘Eagle’ that overshadows or protects him.
The constellation of stars indicates that the founders of America accepted the absolute law that is governed the ‘Drama of Heaven’ since the beginning of the world and must be accepted and obeyed in this new world. The olive branch is the symbol of peace and friendship held out to all who are willing to forget and completely root out from their consciousness, the degeneration of old worlds and elect to live in the spirit of the New World [the New Age or New World Order].
The thirteen arrows are symbolic of the wars which are part of the drama in the heavens and the wars that must be waged against all evils, as well as all evil individuals; that man's freedom is to be maintained. It is each and every citizen's personal responsibility to fight against these individual and universal evils.”
All evils and all evil individuals of course means everyone who doesn't believe what these authors believe.
You see? the wars and conflicts are all planned, engineered, fomented and directed by these people; people, I might add, who are in positions of power and financial influence to realize them.
And, as I have said, it doesn't matter if you believe it. If these people believe it, you'd better acknowledge the fact that it WILL affect you.
19th century Confederate General, 33rd degree Freemason, illuminist and luciferian author, Albert Pike, envisioned three World Wars to be followed by an unparalleled economic disaster. Albert Pike was also the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium. His letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, a fellow Freemason and founder of the Italian Mafia, an offshoot of the Bavarian Illuminati, dated August 15, 1871, predicted in detail the forthcoming three World Wars, and how they would be used to direct three distinct social cataclysms to force Islam, political Zionism and Christianity to mutually destroy each other, in order to install a New World Order system of global governance upon the ashes of the old.
This will be the focus of part 2 of The New World Order - A Very Old Plan.
Those who recall Barry Goldwater's crusade of political justice, can truthfully understand that he was onto something. He just didn't know what to call it. It was Goldwater who said:
And, as I have said, it doesn't matter if you believe it. If these people believe it, you'd better acknowledge the fact that it WILL affect you.
19th century Confederate General, 33rd degree Freemason, illuminist and luciferian author, Albert Pike, envisioned three World Wars to be followed by an unparalleled economic disaster. Albert Pike was also the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium. His letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, a fellow Freemason and founder of the Italian Mafia, an offshoot of the Bavarian Illuminati, dated August 15, 1871, predicted in detail the forthcoming three World Wars, and how they would be used to direct three distinct social cataclysms to force Islam, political Zionism and Christianity to mutually destroy each other, in order to install a New World Order system of global governance upon the ashes of the old.
This will be the focus of part 2 of The New World Order - A Very Old Plan.
Those who recall Barry Goldwater's crusade of political justice, can truthfully understand that he was onto something. He just didn't know what to call it. It was Goldwater who said:
“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
President Woodrow Wilson also didn't quite know what to make of his observations of the unseen hand:
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” — ‘The New Freedom’, Chapter I: The Old Order Changeth, 1913
And who could forget President John F. Kennedy's famous April 27, 1961 speech before the National Press Club, where he proclaimed his administration's plan to expose the conspirators:
Kennedy was correct in his prophetic words. Its dissenters are in fact silenced. Its secrets are never fully revealed. For, if they were revealed — if the American people understood the truth of the plan for their future and for their children's futures, Henry Ford predicted:
To be continued...
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
Kennedy was correct in his prophetic words. Its dissenters are in fact silenced. Its secrets are never fully revealed. For, if they were revealed — if the American people understood the truth of the plan for their future and for their children's futures, Henry Ford predicted:
“There would be revolution before tomorrow morning.”
To be continued...