Monday, November 25, 2013

The New World Order - A Very Old Plan: Part 1

This will be the first in a series of instructional teachings intended to wake up the American people and encourage them to get involved, before it's too late.

The following is an excerpt from a book that you need to know; a book which is very, very much out of print and nearly impossible to find in the United States. It was printed in a limited run in 1952 and recent estimates are that there remain but less than 100 copies worldwide, the rest of which have been removed from libraries.

America the Battlefield

November 25, 2013
By Timothy Pope

The Teachings of the Masters: The Wisdom of the Ages
An exposition of the ever active and constantly operating spiritual laws applicable not only to the regeneration of man changing mortality in to immortality transmuting the son of man in to a son of god but equally potent in helping man to achieve success and economic independence health, strength of body, and the peace of mind, and heart called heaven

So May It Be
Reverend Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer
Director General, Church of Illumination
Supreme Grand Commander of the International Confederation of Initiates
Supreme Grand Commander of the Merged Occult Fraternities comprising The Priesthood of Aeth, The Rosicrution Order, The Secret Societies, The Hermetic Brotherhood, Fraternetas Rosicrucias, Temple of the Rosey Cross, The Order of the Magi, Sons of Isis and Osiris, Illuminati Americani

Published by the Philosophical Publishing Company
Beverly Hall, Quakertown, PA
Copyright 1952, Beverly Hall Corporation

“Early in the year 1916, instructions were received from the Count M. de St Vincent, Supreme Hierarch of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, to make preparations for a sacred Convocation on the 68th Anniversary of the establishment of the Supreme Grand Dome of the Fraternitas and Associate organizations as established in America by Dr. Paschal Beverly Randolph. 
At this Convocation, which was to convene on June first, 1916, the Neophyte body was to be informed of a crisis that would be the beginning of the enslavement of the people of America in a manner so insidious that they would not be aware of it. America was to become engaged in a war that would only be the beginning of greater wars.
It was prophesied that an effort would be made to destroy the Christian religion, so secretly and silently, that only the alert and elect would be aware of this activity.
This effort is in full bloom today and is making atheists out of millions, even before their churches are destroyed; the reverse of what has happened, and what is happening, in other countries.
At this Convocation we were instructed to hold daily lectures on subjects vitally important to all. In fact, to all the world, and more especially so to Neophytes of the August Fraternity. These instructions were to be after the manner of Plato and the Round Table of King Arthur.
In addition, we were to prepare for the exemplification of the entire ritual of the Fraternity, Sons of Osiris, up to, and including, the Royal Purple Degree — the ultimate of Ancient Ritualistic Initiation, symbolizing the Neophyte’s travels and efforts, beginning with the first step, and including the final step, which is the second, or spiritual birth.

As you can see, none of this plan is hidden and anyone can find the information. Anyone, that is, except the people who are too lazy to get up off their butts and look. Those who will, may.

I am a messenger, and the message that I am bringing to you is clear. It is concise, and there can be no mistake in its interpretation. You must wake up now, or be enslaved.

Skipping ahead in the book The Teachings of the Masters: The Wisdom of the Ages:

Few Americans at the present day have the slightest idea of how fortunate they are and that they are living in the greatest, freest nation that ever existed, despite its many shortcomings. Neither are they aware that America, ‘the land overshadowed with wings,’ is at the crossroads, one leading to freedom, both individual and universal, and the other to the most abject and degrading serfdom, as a result of failing to accept the full responsibility for the management of their personal and Governmental affairs so that these may harmonize with the ancient prophecies.”

This was the Great Experiment of our founders. If we were proven worthy to govern ourselves, then we would never be subject to the rule of tyrants.

In a Letter to David Hartley in 1787, Thomas Jefferson wrote: “I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves without a master.”

Also, in a famous encounter, after signing the Declaration of Independence, a reporter stopped Benjamin Franklin and asked him, “What have ye wrought?”

Franklin answered, “A Republic, if ye can keep it.”

Continuing from the book:

“A still lesser number are aware that the history of America, from its very beginning to the end of its days, whether from good or ill, is told in its Seal; while only the very few know that their own destiny is irrevocably interwoven with the destiny of America; America, the last trying chamber for human Souls, and that when this trial is over, either heaven or hell will reign supreme. Few care because they selfishly think only of themselves; they forget the future welfare of their sons and daughters.”

And, of course, we all see the American parents pat their sons and daughters on the back and send them off to die in another war in a far-off desert in the Middle East 
— or in any number of other climes and places — all the while claiming that they're going off to fight for our country and our freedom. FOOLS!

“An old saying has it that ‘familiarity breeds contempt.’ As a corollary to this, there should be another maxim: ‘We are blind to that which we see so frequently.’ Most Americans, even though the spirit of America dwells within them, are actually only dimly aware that the great Seal of the first actually free country in the world shows an eagle, a constellation of stars, an olive branch and a set of thirteen arrows. This is the seal we all know. Symbolically, the eagle ‘overshadows’ the land by its protective wings, but only as long as man proves worthy of such overshadowing or protection. Man has the power to destroy the ‘Eagle’ that overshadows or protects him.
The constellation of stars indicates that the founders of America accepted the absolute law that is governed the ‘Drama of Heaven’ since the beginning of the world and must be accepted and obeyed in this new world. The olive branch is the symbol of peace and friendship held out to all who are willing to forget and completely root out from their consciousness, the degeneration of old worlds and elect to live in the spirit of the New World [the New Age or New World Order].
The thirteen arrows are symbolic of the wars which are part of the drama in the heavens and the wars that must be waged against all evils, as well as all evil individuals; that man's freedom is to be maintained. It is each and every citizen's personal responsibility to fight against these individual and universal evils.”

All evils and all evil individuals of course means everyone who doesn't believe what these authors believe.

You see? the wars and conflicts are all planned, engineered, fomented and directed by these people; people, I might add, who are in positions of power and financial influence to realize them.

And, as I have said, it doesn't matter if you believe it. If these people believe it, you'd better acknowledge the fact that it WILL affect you.

19th century Confederate General, 33rd degree Freemason, illuminist and luciferian author, Albert Pike, envisioned three World Wars to be followed by an unparalleled economic disaster. Albert Pike was also the Grand Master of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium. His letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, a fellow Freemason and founder of the Italian Mafia, an offshoot of the Bavarian Illuminati, dated August 15, 1871, predicted in detail the forthcoming three World Wars, and how they would be used to direct three distinct social cataclysms to force Islam, political Zionism and Christianity to mutually destroy each other, in order to install a New World Order system of global governance upon the ashes of the old.

This will be the focus of part 2 of The New World Order - A Very Old Plan.

Those who recall Barry Goldwater's crusade of political justice, can truthfully understand that he was onto something. He just didn't know what to call it. It was Goldwater who said:

“I would remind you that extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

President Woodrow Wilson also didn't quite know what to make of his observations of the unseen hand:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” — ‘The New Freedom’, Chapter I: The Old Order Changeth, 1913

And who could forget President John F. Kennedy's famous April 27, 1961 speech before the National Press Club, where he proclaimed his administration's plan to expose the conspirators:

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. 
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

Kennedy was correct in his prophetic words. Its dissenters are in fact silenced. Its secrets are never fully revealed. For, if they were revealed — if the American people understood the truth of the plan for their future and for their children's futures, Henry Ford predicted:

There would be revolution before tomorrow morning.

To be continued...

I work very hard and spend countless hours researching and digging out the truth.
I have nothing to sell; no advertising, no contracts, no corporate partners nor contributors.
Please help me by donating the amount you feel this information deserves.
Thank you for contributing to the restoration of Liberty and Freedom,
and may God bless each and every single one of you.

Friday, November 22, 2013

History You Were Never Told: Veterans March on Washington 1932

U.S. Miitary Followed Illegal Orders to Attack Peaceful Unarmed WWI Veteran Protesters

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” — Edmund Burke

America the Battlefield
November 22, 2013
by Tim Pope

When in history class did you ever learn of the Bonus Army marching on Washington, D.C.? When did you read about it any of your history books? You didn't. For, as Winston Churchill truthfully said, “History is written by the victors.”

In the spring and summer months of 1932, Washington was under siege by over 10,000 unemployed veterans of World War I from all over the country, who were in desperation due to the fallout of the Great Depression, with tens of thousands more on their way. Some estimates put the number of marchers at approximately 43,000 people. They were the Bonus Army, veterans who were promised a cash bonus sometime in the future by the U.S. Government in recompense for their service and sacrifice to the nation.

Its organizers called it the Bonus Expeditionary Force to echo the name of World War I's American Expeditionary Force, while the media called it the Bonus March. It was led by Walter W. Waters, a former Army Sergeant.

Depicted in the following video is then-retired U.S. Marine Corps Major General Smedley D. Butler, America's most decorated soldier and author of War Is A Racket who, shortly after retiring from a lauded career exposed and brought down a corporate fascist plot to seize control of the White House and overthrow the U.S. Government via a military coup d'état.

Smedley Butler addressed the veterans of the Bonus Army as a call-to-action. He admonished the eager veterans, telling them, “It’s time you woke up—it’s time you realized there’s another war on. It’s your war this time. Now get in there and fight.” Here is a transcript of his speech, which was published in the Veterans of Foreign War's magazine Foreign Service in December, 1933.

Here is the video, entitled US military attacks demonstrating American War Veterans Bonus Army (6:53)

These men who gathered in Washington, D.C. demanded cash-payment redemption of their service certificates. It was an occupation of our nation's capitol by honorable men who wanted what was promised them, but who didn't see the fruits of that promise being fulfilled. Much the same as the incalculable lies, deceptions, distortions and failed promises of our current administration.

President Hoover was left to deal with the veterans when the Senate rejected their demands to keep its promise. The marchers stayed, occupying central Washington in accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guarantees that “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech ... or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

On July 16th of 1932, the last day Congress was in session, thousands of angry veterans surrounded the Capitol in response to the Senate's refusal to pay them what was promised. The situation came to a head and Washington was on edge. The president ordered by decree the evacuation of the veterans from the public land and the gates to the area of Pennsylvania Avenue closed.

Troops led by General Douglas MacArthur, with his aide, then-Major Dwight D. Eisenhower, were sent into the affected area. 200 armed cavalrymen were sent in on horseback. Behind them came 400 infantrymen, followed up by tanks and armored vehicles. The defiant MacArthur, nicknamed Dougout Doug, disregarded the orders to not advance and treasonously referred to his advancement against the unarmed American veterans as a “military operation.”

Then-Major George S. Patton, who led the Army cavalry, ordered his men to draw their sabers and don gas masks. Tear gas grenades and smoke bombs were hurled at the unarmed veterans, and infantrymen advanced with rifles and fixed bayonets. They were attacked mercilessly and forced out of their makeshift camps, their shelters and personal possessions burned to ashes by uniformed military troops.

In the words of a journalist in the 1932 news dispatch, “The orders of the president must be obeyed, and the roaring flames sound the death nell to the fantastic Bonus Army, an end so disasterously in the shadow of the beautiful dome of the Capitol of the United States of America.”

One reporter wrote, “The blaze was so big it lit the whole sky, a nightmare come to life.”

The veterans fled the scene to keep from getting killed by the advancing soldiers.

This was the answer to the plight of honorable veterans who served in our nation's armed forces, a disastrous end. All they wanted was the compensation that was promised them for service rendered to their country, at a time when they needed it most. And to the active duty soldiers who carried out the “lawful orders” of the president and their superior officers, as we saw at Nuremberg, even though it was merely a show trial to cover for Project Paperclip, “Just following orders” was a non-defense for treason.

The morning after the military siege against unarmed veterans on U.S. soil, public sentiment understandably took a turn for the worse against President Herbert Hoover. He was rightly considered a traitor, having ordered a military operation against our nation's heroes who fought in the World War, the brothers-in-arms of the military men who were ordered to infringe on their Creator-endowed rights, attack and rout them from the District of Columbia.

What have we learned by this?

Never say that it can't happen here. Nor allow any misinformed American whose mind is tainted with an education comprised of revisionist history to falsely claim the same. After all, it can happen here — and it will happen again — because human nature doesn't change, and history repeats itself for those who don't know and understand its parallels.

There was the Kent State massacre on May 4th, 1970, when the Ohio National Guard opened fire on hundreds of fleeing unarmed student protestors, killing four students and wounding nine others. One of them suffered permanent paralysis.

There was the Ruby Ridge massacre, the illegal ambush and deadly confrontation in northern Idaho in 1992 against Randy Weaver by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and the United States Marshals Service, which resulted in the murder of Weaver's son Sammy and his wife Vicki.

There was the February 28 - April 19, 1993 siege on the Mount Carmel ranch of the Branch Davidians near Waco, Texas, where the U.S. Army's Delta Force commando unit, and agents of the FBI and the BATF, murdered more children than were killed at the Sandy Hook school shooting.

More recently, there was the rejection of the White House to a request allowing World War II veterans, our greatest generation, to visit their own memorial in Washington D.C. during the so-called “government shutdown”.

The National Park Service workers then erected barricades around the WWII memorial to keep veterans out, a memorial which was predominantly funded by private donations. However, the WWII veterans succeeded in breaching the barricades the Obama administration installed around their memorial.

There was also the incident where police arrested and detained numerous Vietnam veterans during a vigil at a war memorial in New York City after the peaceful veteran protesters refused to adhere to an unconstitutionally decreed 10:00pm curfew.

The absolute contempt for our nation's veterans and American citizens employing their constitutionally-protected rights is nothing new. It began long ago and has only escalated under the current administration. Also, the mockery and betrayal of our representatives' Oaths of office is not only a leftist progressive ideologue. It is a bipartisan agenda.

For instance, the Department of Homeland Security’s report on Rightwing Extremism, Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment, which was not intended for public scrutiny but was thankfully leaked to the press in 2009, was produced during the Bush administration. A quick check of the PDF document’s properties reveals that it was created on January 23, 2007. Think Progress reported on April 15, 2009 that “the report, along with an earlier report on radicalized left-wing groups, was actually requested by the Bush administration”.

As you can see, the agenda is a product of our one-party system disguising itself as a two-party system, the system which Lew Rockwell, libertarian founder and chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, said has become “two wings on the same bird of prey.”

And why does that matter in regards to this particular report on “Rightwing Extremism”? It matters because its wording was designed to portray disgruntled returning American veterans as anti-government extremists, dangerous and potentially violent terrorists, and thus scare-off and balkanize their supporters. It was produced specifically as part of a larger effort to demonize and eliminate all government opposition, regardless of political persuasion.

That is the name of the game, to eliminate all who are opposed to the massive overreach, corruption, fraud, malfeasance, subterfuge and hidden agenda of the government.

Identification, vilification, nullification and ultimately elimination.

For the love of money is the root of ALL evil, and the control of money is the control of ALL evil.

Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.” — Mark Twain

I work very hard and spend countless hours researching and digging out the truth.
I have nothing to sell; no advertising, no contracts, no corporate partners nor contributors.
Please help me by donating the amount you feel this information deserves.
Thank you for contributing to the restoration of Liberty and Freedom,
and may God bless each and every single one of you.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Who Really Had Kennedy Killed? Follow the Money...

November 22nd marks the 50th anniversary of the public execution of the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

This is among the longest-running and most widely debated mysteries of our time, and has caused one of the greatest divisions of idealogue in modern memory. With the 50th anniversary coming up, many Americans will be sidetracked by any number of distracting discussions, and by various organizations cashing-in on the mystique with lucrative revenue-generating offerings such as licensed photos for sale, tourism, book publishing, and even shameless commemorative box sets.

Lets put all of that aside and do as any thinking individual should do when faced with unanswered questions, because as the Warren Commission proved, they did not answer the only real questions. By killing the President,

1. Who benefitted, and 2. Who stood to gain?
The Warren Commission did not officially follow the money trail, nor did they follow the evidence in answering the question of who actually killed the President. They did not employ the scientific method in ascertaining the culprit.

The Presidential National Medal of Science winner, Lynn Margulis, noted that the scientific method is to follow the facts where they lead, to adopt the theory which has the most proof, and to discard theories which are contradicted by the facts. In the case of the Warren Commission, the government-appointed members adopted theories which were backed by very little evidence, and refused to look at the most likely theories, the ones backed by overwhelming evidence.

The scientific method of adopting theories which are supported by the most evidence—no matter where the evidence leads—and rejecting theories which are not, tells us that the official conclusions of the Warren Commission report cannot possibly be accurate.

To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. This method includes the following 6-part analysis:

1. Ask a question 
2. Do background research 
3. Construct a hypothesis 
4. Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment 
5. Analyze your data and draw a conclusion 
6. Report your results (Was your hypothesis correct?)
With that understood, lets jump right into a little-known and rarely debated fact of the Kennedy assassination.

In the Texas School Book Depository sniper's nest, there were five sets of fingerprints found by the Dallas Police Department. Four of them belonged to Lee Harvey Oswald. They could have been planted there, or the boxes he handled staged at the scene, since Oswald was employed at the School Book Depository.

The fifth set of fingerprints indisputably belonged to a man named Malcolm "Mac" Wallace.

Who was Malcolm Wallace? He was a convicted murderer who President Lyndon Baines Johnson personally landed a long succession of patronage jobs.

Wallace worked at the U.S. Agriculture Department, and his personal records show that he was recommended for the job by Lyndon Johnson himself.

Wallace then murdered a man named John Kinser, who was involved with Johnson's sister, Josefa Johnson. Wallace went to trial, was represented in the murder trial by John Khopher, LBJ's personal attorney, and was convicted.

After he was convicted of murder, Wallace received a five year suspended sentence for murder—which is easy to do if you're one of Johnson's appointed judges—and was immediately hired by a defense contractor called Chemco  Chemco was owned by H.D. Byrd, Chairman of the Lyndon Johnson for Senate Finance Committee. H.D. Byrd at the time owned the Texas School Book Depository.

Let that sink in for a moment...

H.D. Byrd was a very eccentric oil billionaire. His cousin, Harry F. Byrd, was also a close associate of Lyndon Johnson, and refused to endorse John Kennedy for president in 1960, even though he was the sitting democratic senator of Virginia. Harry Byrd was the only member of the 1960 senate democratic caucus who would not endorse JFK.

Four years later, running against one of Harry Byrd's closest friends, Barry Goldwater, Byrd stumped Virginia for Lyndon Johnson, and a famous Corbis photo was taken of Johnson kissing Byrd's hand.

Johnson and the Byrd oil family were very close allies, and the reason this is important is because Harry Byrd was the chairman of the senate congressional committee with oversight over the Central Intelligence Agency. Harry Byrd controlled every penny of the CIA budget, and Johnson was on the same congressional oversight committee when he was in the Senate. Together, Johnson and Byrd helped found the CIA, and held congressional oversight over it.

Together, Johnson and Byrd were also on the Senate Armed Services Committee, where Johnson's friend, Byrd, made decisions about who received the big defense contracts.

Here's the kicker, Malcolm Wallace went to work for 
Chemco. His fingerprints were found in the Texas School Book Depository. As soon as Johnson was sworn-in as President, Chemco was given a then-unprecedented $4 billion defense contract. So, H.D. Byrd got his payoff.

Malcolm Wallace killed eight people—nine if you include Kennedy—and he left fingerprints to prove it.

All of the major Texas newspapers at the time reported on Kinser's involvement with Johnson's sister Josefa, his murder, Wallace's conviction and his long employment record helped along by Johnson. In fact, after Wallace murdered Kinser in broad daylight at a mini-golf course in front of eyewitnesses, he was apprehended, and according to the affidavit of the police officer who arrested him, Wallace said,

"You can't arrest me. I work for Senator Johnson."

Lyndon Baines Johnson had the means, the motive, the modus operandi, the manpower and the official cover to have John F. Kennedy assassinated. It has come out since Johnson's death that he had other opponents murdered who were involved in organized crime and election fraud during his rise to political power. 

There was a time in Washington that nothing came in or out without the "ruthless" Lyndon Johnson getting a piece of the action. He was known by close associates to be receiving briefcases full of payoff money under the table, before and during his presidency. He was so eccentric, so corrupt, so vicious and so debased, that one of his Secret Service personnel once said of Johnson, that if he wasn't the president, he would be locked up in an insane asylum.

Johnson knew that he would never make the presidency with the Kennedy dynasty in power. After all, Bobby Kennedy's Justice Department had been cracking down on Johnson's business partners in organized crime, and investigating his involvement. Johnson had been receiving $55,000.00 per month from the mob in Dallas by Jack Halfer, who was a known bagman for Carlos Marcello, the mob boss over Texas and Louisiana.

The Kennedy's knew that Johnson was a recipient of mob monies, and word got back to Johnson that the Kennedy's had already begun telling close associates that Johnson would never again be allowed on the vice presidential or presidential tickets. After all, it was widely known by the mob that as soon as LBJ was President, he promised that all of the US Justice Department wire taps of organized crime figures would be immediately terminated.

The Kennedy's knew this, and Johnson had only a short amount of time until he was not only put out of business and run out of Washington, but indicted on multiple felony convictions and sentenced to federal prison. He knew that's where this was headed with the Kennedy's at the helm.

That brings us to Jack Ruby. He had connections to Carlos Marcello as a button man, a low-level operative for the mob. Ruby was permitted to operate his club in Dallas, having had to make payments to the organization himself.

Richard Nixon at the time believed that Oswald killed Kennedy, because that's what Johnson associate J. Edgar Hoover had told him. Nixon believed Johnson, until the moment he saw a jack Ruby kill Lee Harvey Oswald, whereupon he turned to his aide, Nick Ruey, turned white as a ghost, and said, "I know that guy."

Fast-forward to 1985, author Roger Stone asked Nixon about the Kennedy assassination, and Nixon responded:

"The hell of the thing is, I knew this Ruby fellow, went by the name Rubinstein. He was one of Johnson's boys. Murray Shatner [Nixon aide], brought Ruby to me in '47, said Lyndon wanted us to put him on the payroll as a courtesy, and we did."
The FBI records from 1947 indeed show a Jack Rubinstein of Chicago as a paid informant for Richard Nixon's House Committee, a courtesy for his close friend Lyndon Johnson.

Lee Harvey Oswald did not have the means or the motive to kill Kennedy. When Kennedy came home to Johnson's Texas territory of organized crime and corrupt allies, Johnson hatchet man Malcolm "Mac" Wallace, who had already proven to be a killer, was awaiting orders. Whereas Oswald, a former U.S. Marine who was only an average sharpshooter, had never officially killed anyone. Even his fellow Marines recalled that Oswald was a very poor shot.

Nelson Delgado said Oswald on the firing line was "a pretty big joke." And Sherman Cooley, another Marine, said "If I had to pick one man in the entire United States to shoot me, I’d pick Oswald. I saw the man shoot. There’s no way he could have ever learned to shoot well enough to do what they accused him of doing in Dallas."

Who was responsible for the removal of JFK's protective bubble top that day? Here's what we know today:

Bill Moyers, who is a current liberal media talking head and former ordained minister, was an aide to Vice President Johnson in 1963. The Secret Service reported that Bill Moyers went to them before the Dallas motorcade and told them, "The president wants this damned bubble top removed now!" Funny talk for an ordained minister, but Kennedy aides Jerry Bruno and Kenny O'Donnell later testified to the Warren Commission that President John Kennedy gave no such order regarding the removal of the bubble top.

Well, we know who didn't give that order, but we have a pretty good idea who did. Whoever did give that order was he who had the means, the motive and the manpower to kill the president; he who benefitted and stood to gain from the outcome.

The main question is why. That is one of the three pertinent questions that must be asked and answered:

1. Why was he killed? 
2. Who benefitted? 
3. Who had the power to cover it up?
The logistics of the assassination seem to be merely the scenery and window dressing for the public. The reason WHY he was killed isn't ever deeply debated, only the how and the who. Also, consider that during the 9/11 Commission, only the HOW was addressed in the commission's findings. Both the WHO and the Why were not pursued.

Mere window dressing for the public to keep them occupied debating meaningless contrived facts and circumstances, which distract from the real fundamental issues.

Progressive logician Noam Chomsky revealed it best:

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum...."
Wallace, Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia, Kennedy's Secret Service driver William Greer, the CIA, E. Howard Hunt, George H.W. Bush's coordinated hit team, etc. All of this keeps the people from asking the most important two questions:

WHY was he killed, and WHO stood to gain the most from his death?

A majority of real investigative journalists are convinced that the real reason Kennedy was killed, was because of his attempt to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On June 4, 1963 with the stroke of a pen, John Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110, which returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, non-interest bearing United states Notes, without going through the Federal Reserve. The ramifications of this bill were enormously detrimental to the powers that be, to the tune of issuing into circulation nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. Notes:

One thing is for sure, Kennedy was very dangerous to the establishment. He was a threat to the status quo and to the monied interests of the Washington and Wall Street elite.

Another president was also a very big threat to the establishment and was assassinated under similar circumstances in 1865. Abraham Lincoln also attempted to print American money for the American people, "Greenbacks", seizing control of the issuance of currency from the money-changers. Is it plausible that Lincoln was assassinated for interfering in the revenue stream of the monied interests. Not only is it plausible, it is very likely.

Another likely reason Kennedy could have been killed was due to his jaw-dropping 1961 "Secret Societies" speech to the National Press Club, in which he launched a major effort to rout out and expose the shadow government working in secret to seize power, the "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence."

It can only be loosely debated that Lee Harvey Oswald did not benefit in the slightest degree from killing the president.

Oswald unfortunately died the very next day at the hands of Johnson bag man Jack Rubinstein, never being allowed to testify in his own defense and officially refute his guilt, thereby forever tying up tha loose end.

Notwithstanding, forever turned out to be too long...

Lyndon Johnson Rescinded Executive Order 11110

Executive Order 11110 is widely reputed to have been rescinded by President Lyndon Baines Johnson aboard Air Force One while flying from Dallas to Washington, the very same day President Kennedy was assassinated.

The president can amend or retract an executive at any time. The president may also issue an executive order superseding an existing one. New incoming presidents may choose to retain the executive orders issued by their predecessors, replace them with new ones of their own, or revoke the old ones completely. And in extreme cases, Congress may pass a law that alters an executive order, and they can be declared unconstitutional and vacated by the Supreme Court.

Here is an interesting excerpt from the book by John Ham, Blue Star Over China, page 157:
"And guess what, President Lara?" asked young Tom, knowing that Lara would already know this. "Executive Order 11110 was rescinded by Lyndon Baines Johnson on Air Force 1 on his flight from Dallas to Washington the very same day that JFK, President for the People, died!" Oh Wow! So, take care, President Lara, please take care, Dear!" The seventeen year old Thomas Jefferson was suddenly and seriously paternal. "The world bankers got Abe Lincoln, they got John Fitzgerald, so they'll try to get you too, maybe, some day."
John F. Kennedy spoke openly of abolishing the de-facto Federal Reserve and kicking out the secret societies. Whereas Lyndon B. Johnson was in league with them. There is no question about that

All of what was done in darkness is coming to light. Our sins always find us out.

For the love of money is the root of ALL evil.

The Holy Scriptures give us consistent warnings that things done in this life in darkness will be brought to light by God in the day of judgment.

For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light. (Mark 4:22)

Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts. (
1 Corinthians 4:5)

Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. (
Matthew 10:26)

I said to myself, God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed. (
Ecclesiastes 3:17)

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether [it be] good, or whether [it be] evil. (
Ecclesiastes 12:14)

This will take place on the day when God judges people's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares. (
Romans 2:16)

That's a sobering thought for all of us to remember.

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