Friday, May 24, 2013

Gun Past Meets Gun Present

Who made the following statement?

"The purpose and goal of the law at hand are to get firearms that have done so much damage from the hands of unauthorized persons and to do away with the instability and ambiguity of the law that previously existed in this area. The difficult task was to find the appropriate limits between this necessity of the state on the one hand and the important interests of the weapons industry that was employing a large number of workers and had been heavily damaged through the peace treaty, the interests of the legal sporting industry, and the personal freedom of the individual."

Barack Obama? Eric Holder? Nancy Pelosi? Dianne Feinstein? Joe Biden? Rahm Emanuel? Chuck Schumer? Michael Bloomberg?


It was Reichskommissar Hermann Emil Kuenzer, the Nazi "Disarmament Czar." And, notice how personal freedom was LAST on his list of important interests.

Sounds a lot like the authoritarian gun control narrative being promulgated today, doesn't it?

Kuenzer explained in notices published in several German newspapers of the day, that because state governments had failed to enact sufficiently comprehensive gun ownership restrictions, the national legislature would take matters into its own hands and enforce one law applicable to the entire German nation. Then, in a statement that could believably come from the mouth of any of the above current social engineers, Kuenzer delivered the rationale for bypassing state prerogatives and the need for a nationwide gun regulation:

"Remarkably, the 1928 law was regarded by many to be a liberalization of gun laws and a step toward deregulation. This perception was manufactured and promoted by the government. The prevailing theory in Berlin was that if the opposition could be silenced by the passage of purportedly more permissive gun control laws, then strict enforcement would go unnoticed and the spirit of the law could quietly and quickly overpower the letter and allow even authoritarian control of civilian weapon ownership."

Was this law truly more "progressive," as Kuezner claimed? The disarmament of the population certainly did progress rapidly. As legal scholar Stephen P. Halbrook wrote in an article,
Nazi Firearms Law and the disarming of the German Jews, published in 2000 in the Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law:

"Within a decade, Germany had gone from a brutal firearms seizure policy which, in times of unrest, entailed selective yet immediate execution for mere possession of a firearm, to a modern, comprehensive gun control law. Passed by a liberal republic, this law ensured that the police had records of all firearms acquisitions (or at least all lawful ones) and that the keeping and bearing of arms were subject to police approval. This firearms control regime was quite useful to the new government that came to power a half decade later."

Read more about the distinct parallels of the disarmament efforts of National Socialism and the United States of America in Joe Wolverton's Mar. 18, 2013 article in The New American: Gun past meets present: right-wing political pundits have been mocked by the left for comparing present gun control schemes to those used by the Nazis to ensure a passive populace. You decide.

Also, listen to the radio broadcast of Joe Wolverton explaining the profound parallels on his May 23rd, 2013 interview on Off The Grid Radio.
Joe addresses the battle of the Second Amendment that is ongoing in America and the disarmament acts that took place in Nazi Germany. The host states, “I think our listeners really need to know how closely Nazi Germany resembles our country today.” Joe goes on to discuss the progression of firearm laws that threaten to thrust America down the same destructive path. Listen Here (1:03:17)

Those who don't know history truly are doomed to repeat it. Therefore, history repeats itself.

"I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past." — Patrick Henry

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