Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Civil Disturbance Operations

Army manual details plans to confiscate arms and kill rioters in America during civil unrest.

America the Battlefield
by Timothy A. Pope
July 10, 2021

A newly leaked U.S. Army Military Police training manual for 'Civil Disturbance Operations: Subcourse Number MP 1005 Edition C' outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest. The 2006 document, used for a self-learning course at the U.S. Army Military Police School at Fort McClellan, Alabama, makes it clear that the operations described in the manual apply to both “CONUS and OCONUS,” inside the Continental United States and outside the Continental United States: http://info.publicintelligence.net/USAMPS-CivilDisturbanceOps.pdf

This 115 page Civil Disturbance Operations manual represents a shocking new insight into how the U.S. military will be used domestically to violently quell unrest in the aftermath of a total economic collapse or other national emergency. On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”

The manual also describes how prisoners will be processed through internment camps under the guidance of the 326-page 'U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operations' manual prepared for the Department of Defense, which outlines how internees would be “re-educated” into developing an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the United States. It describes forced labor, torture, separation of families, targeting dissidents, and for “political activists” to be pacified by “PSYOP officers”: http://info.publicintelligence.net/USArmy-InternmentResettlement.pdf

“Where appropriate we will also dedicate active-duty forces, especially those with niche skills and equipment, to provide civilian officials with a robust set of reliable and rapid response options.” - General Raymond T. Odierno, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army

Preparations for using troops to deal with mass civil unrest on U.S. soil have been in the works for years:
  • Residents in St. Louis were shocked to see heavily armored U.S. Army vehicles patrolling neighborhoods in June. Local media responded by featuring ‘vox pops’ interviews with people who supported the use of the military in order to “cut down on crime,” despite the fact that using the Army for domestic law enforcement is forbidden under the Posse Comitatus Act. http://bcove.me/tk19tstv
  • An article in the May/June issue of the CFR official journal, Foreign Affairs, calls for the Army to address “challenges in the United States itself” with the justification being to protect Americans from terrorist attacks. The article, written by Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Raymond T. Odierno states, “Where appropriate we will also dedicate active-duty forces, especially those with niche skills and equipment, to provide civilian officials with a robust set of reliable and rapid response options.” http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/137423/raymond-t-odierno/the-us-army-in-a-time-of-transition
  • Military Police were tasked with conducting crowd control at the 2009 Kentucky Derby. Photographs showed MPs detaining a man who had run onto the track: http://www.infowars.com/images/mps-derby.jpg
  • In March of 2009, U.S. Army troops were dispatched to patrol the streets of Samson, Alabama, after a murder spree: http://www.armytimes.com/prime/2009/03/army_rucker_032809w
  • In April 2009, 400 National Guard Combat Support Battalion troops deployed to “maintain public order” at the Boston Marathon: http://bbvm.wordpress.com/2008/12/14/domestic-militarization-comes-to-san-bernardino-county
  • In December 2008, the Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center dispatched troops to work with police on checkpoints in San Bernardino County, California: http://www.defense.gov/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=54014
  • Also in December 2008, uniformed soldiers were involved in handling a car wreck in El Paso, Texas, during which a local ABC news reporter and his cameraman were arrested simply for something they routinely do every day as part of their job – filming traffic incidents: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=159_1240439288
  • U.S. troops returning from Iraq in 2008 were earmarked for “homeland patrols” with one of their roles including helping with “civil unrest and crowd control”: http://www.armytimes.com/prime/2008/09/army_homeland_090708w
  • In December 2008, the Washington Post reported on plans to station 20,000 more U.S. troops inside America for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards, an expansion of Northcom’s militarization of the country in preparation for potential civil unrest following a total economic collapse or a mass terror attack: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/30/AR2008113002217_2.html?hpid=topnews
  • A report produced that same year by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute, 'Known Unknowns: Unconventional Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development', warned that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock". “Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by retired Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB890.pdf
  • Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border. During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987. However, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats": http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=3010

With many Americans now becoming “pre-revolutionary” as a result of their fury at the Obama administration and equally unpopular lawmakers in Washington, potential civil unrest could spring not just from a poverty-stricken underclass, but also the shrinking middle class. In my opinion, that’s why the Department of Homeland Security is increasingly focusing its anti-terror apparatus on white middle class Americans, portraying them as domestic terrorists in a series of recent PSA videos and training manuals.

In addition, Occupy protesters, Militia members, conservatives, Libertarians, Christians, gun owners, and returning U.S. military veterans are also now being characterized as potential terrorist threats, according to DHS and law enforcement documents:
  • A new study funded by the Department of Homeland Security entitled 'Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970-2008' characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” "fiercely nationalistic," and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorist threats: http://start.umd.edu/start/publications/research_briefs/LaFree_Bersani_HotSpotsOfUSTerrorism.pdf
  • Another Department of Homeland Security document, 'Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment', characterizes concerns about the economy, unemployment, the loss of U.S. sovereignty and the move towards global government as “rightwing extremism,” defined as a potential tool for terrorists to network, build bombs, and send encrypted messages to each other. It also lists those opposed to abortion or immigration as potential extremists, and cites groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority as potential sources of hate crimes: http://www.fas.org/irp/eprint/rightwing.pdf

The main point of all of this is, the criminal elements of international central banking that have hijacked our government through fraud; now being openly announced on CNBC that we are slaves to the central banks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efKchHKMb2k) and other news outlets; and the controlled media are hiding this armed military buildup against the American people under hundreds of different configurations. This broad spectrum of planning is historically never done to not eventually be carried out, and they appear to be rolling it out now and going operational.

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